(c) IAC HK



We live in a very noisy world - bombarded daily with the sounds of industry, commerce, transportation and entertainment. Noise is simply unwanted sound. And so, even otherwise pleasant sounds such as the symphony, for example, is noise when it interrupts your sleep time.

Fortunately, the technology exists to quiet virtually any source of noise, generally at feasible cost without catastrophically impacting the primary activity which generates noise as a byproduct.

IAC products provide cost effective alternatives to eliminating the problem by shutting down the source process. For example, reducing the speed limit on an Interstate highway 30 MPH would produce about a 10 dB-A noise reduction. On the other hand, a fully sound absorptive Noishield Highway Sound Barrier allows commerce to continue while providing the same benefit to the community.

Noise Control Solutions
Individual noise sources can readily be treated with a wide array of standard or specially designed noise control products or systems for interior and exterior applications which complement the architectural character of the community. Entire plants can be shielded with Moduline Structures including Noishield Barriers. Existing or new buildings made of concrete, brick, dry-wall, or metal can be fitted with Noise-Lock Doors, Walls, Barriers, Enclosures, and Windows; also with Ventilation Silencers, Noise-Foil Sound Absorbing units, and other noise control systems as may be required. Chimneys and exhaust stacks are easily quieted with standard Power-Flow Silencers or dirty gas clog-resistant ACFI Silencers.

Anticipated Community Response to Noise
The Modified Composite Noise Rating (CNR) assesses the potential for adverse community reaction to unwanted sounds. CNR takes into account noise source and ambient sound pressure levels, spectrum shape, tonal components, impulse noise, frequency, fluctuations, duration, time of day, seasons, and subjective factors such as history and community attitudes regarding the noise source.
Anticipated community reaction is determined from the CNR nomograph at right. The CNR impact due to new and existing noise sources can be calculated. We can also recommend cost-effective measures to control preexisting noise sources or to minimize potential adverse community reaction to new facilities.